Blast chilling and shock freezing process
Blast chilling and shock freezing are the best natural systems to extend the shelf life of food.This is why Tecnomac, utilizing its great experience in refrigeration, created the ChillRapidrange of blast chillers/freezers. These machines are designed to improve the quality and organization of the work in restaurants, confectioneries, bakeries and ice-cream shop.Great power, versatility and reliability are the most evident features of ChillRapid blast chillers/freezers. Thousands of operators all over the world are already successfully using Tecnomac blast chillers/freezers, thus improving their work, leaving more time for creativity.
ChillRapid Shock freezing
+90°C »»» -18°C
• Without BlastFreezer: Macro-cristals
• With BlastFreezer: Micro-cristals
We all know what frozen food is, but perhaps we don't all know that the food's organoleptic qualities are maintained only if the freezing is done quickly (shock freezing).During the process of freezing, all the water molecules turn into crystals, the faster the freezing the smaller the crystals: it is only with a micro-crystallization of the water that the food molecules are not destroyed.
Thanks to an air temperature of -40°C, the Tecnomac blast freezer lowers the temperature at the core of the food to -18°C in under 240 min, a sufficient time to obtain micro-crystallization, keeping all the qualities of the food whole.After defrosting, there will be no loss of liquid, firmness or flavour.
Blast Chilling
+90°C »»» +3°C
• Without Blast Chiller: bacteria risk
• With Blast Chiller: food safety
All food cooked and left to cool slowly, to be served later on, loses its finest qualities. The main reason is the extremely high bacterial growth that takes place while the food is at a temperature of between +65°C and +10°C.
The Tecnomac blast chiller makes possible to lower the temperature at the core of foods that have just been cooked, down to +3°C in less than 90 min., reducing bacterial proliferation and dehydration of the food.The final result is the preservation of the quality, colour and fragrance of the food, extending its shelf life.All this enables the chef to work with a better organization and more calmly, leaving more time for creativity.
During recent years the bakery field has undergone deep transformations due to the increased use of the refrigeration technology.The need of reducing night-shifts, manpower, overtime hours and most of all of offering end users a wider choice of products, are among the main reasons why blast freezers have become an essential tool in all modern bakery workrooms. Besides the blast freezing of raw, pre-cooked and cooked products, the power and quality of Tecnomac blast freezers allow to freeze pre-leavened products ready to be put in the oven (special kinds of bread, pizzas, focaccia bread, etc.), thus taking maximum advantage of the potentials offered by the “refrigeration techniques”.
A modern confectionery shop cannot avoid taking advantage of blast freezing techniques. Not only shock freezing at -18°C, but also blast chilling at +3°C, enable to work more efficiently, reduce preparation times, diminish storage space and increase food quality and safety.Thanks to the excellent performances of ChillRapid blast chillers/freezers, chilling cycles are quick but gentle, and guarantee perfect results for every confectionery product, raw or cooked, finished or semifinished. For preservation of frozen products we suggest the use of our special TecnoControl storage rooms with active humidity control.
Blast chillers are indispensable tools for chefs, since they give restaurateurs the opportunity of planning and organising their activity in advance, offering customers a full and varied menu, fast and efficient service, with total respect for the fragrance and freshness of food. The main advantage, besides the increased food safety (HACCP), is the reorganisation of kitchen work by eliminating work peaks and the useless everyday repetition of the same preparations, for a more efficient and effective wprking environment.
The creaminess of ice-cream mainly depends on the presence of micro air-bubbles and micro ice-crystals. In order to maintain these special features, ice-cream must be shock frozen as soon as it leaves the whisker.This operation, besides contributing to the formation of micro ice-crystals, permits the formation of a thin surface barrier that prevents both product “flattening” and air emission.The outcome is a creamy, soft ice-cream, ready to be served or stored.Tecnomac blast freezers have a special shock freezing function for ice-cream.
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